Saturday, January 12, 2008

Chinese Zodiac: Celebrating the Rat!!

February 7, 2008 Year of the Rat
Did you know that the Rat is charming, diligent, courageous, observant, and a perfectionist? That's probably why I love Remy in Pixar's new movie Ratatouille.

Over at CalligraphyPets, we've decided that we should celebrate the Chinese New Year with Luxe Gift Sets and Party Packs featuring the Rat.

Please join us and celebrate your animal!

Luxe Gift Set · Rat Party Pack

Happy New Year! Home at Last

We've just returned home from our belated honeymoon in Europe. We haven't travelled in such a long time purely for pleasure that this was a nice break.

Somebody's happy we're home...

Infamous Bacchus

We had to leave the pussycats in the hands of my MIL & FIL, but they seemed to have managed without us -although I know they're super thrilled to have their staff back! After all, I know when Bacchus has itchy back and only I can provide relief when needed. We know to tap the sparkley snowflake at the window to provide a room filled with rainbow effects for Chardon'nay 'nay. Speak softly to Cheshire and know when to use the voice of doom to return the alpha state to me. :)

If you'd like to read more about our travels, please head to "CreativeGoddess" and begin in mid-December; I'm updating all the time, so please check back frequently.

Hope to see you there!!

Toxic Indoor Plants

I thought it might be worthy to provide some useful info about toxic indoor plants. If nothing else, this makes me feel better about my black thumbs and the plants I usually kill.

If you're not sure what plants you have, Google the name and select "image" at the top of Google's top nav to match the appropriate plant image to this list. Make sure to check your house for the following indoor plants:

Amaryllis - Stomach and intestinal upset (vomiting, diarrhea)
Azalea - Incoordination, trembling, collapse
Cactus - Punctures skin, infection
Caladium - Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shaking head, difficulty breathing
Creeping Charlie - Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, cramps
Easter Lily - All parts can cause kidney failure
Dieffenbachia - Affects central nervous system
Ivy - Vomiting, diarrhea, excitable behavior
Mistletoe - Ingesting berries can cause vomiting, diarrhea, blistering in the mouth, difficulty breathing
Philodendron - Same as Caladium
Poinsettia - Same as Mistletoe

This list is not exhaustive, but I believe one can find that the plants listed above are the most common plants around the house at the holidays, some may even be found in pretty arrangements for delivery.

Within the animal poision control center, ASPCA has a good list that does a decent job of explaining the type of plant one might have -even photos when available.

ASPCA Toxic Plants

Friday, January 11, 2008

It's a Girl: Newest German Star

Nuremburg Zoo
Photos provided by the 'Tiergarten Nuernberg' zoo in Germany this week show a polar bear baby sleeping and being bottle fed.

The cub was removed from her mom on the fear that she might be harmed. Currently unnamed, the cub may just make a special friend for Knut, currently residing in Berlin.

Go see more photos!!